About Me

 I'm just a passionate computer programmer who enjoys delving into the new and unfamiliar. I've built many applications and projects over the years, from simple single use utilities, to video games, to fully robust web applications. This experience has taught me the skills necessary to adapt and learn any framework, language or task that's given to me. I'm currently working as a remote consultant/software developer, and am a proud Computer Science graduate from Southern New Hampshire University!

Last Updated: 9/22/2021

My Public Github Projects

Polybius Arcade Fan Game (ASP)

  • A working Polybius Arcade game you can virutally walk up to and play. (Works with Unity 2018.2.0f2) You should be able to launch the project, go into 'SampleScene' and have it all work. I made the thing modular enough where you can effectively export it as a Unity package and use it in your own project if you wish.

CS204LProject (Jupyter Notebook)

  • A project we as a team decided to take on because we wanted to do something related to machine learning. It's a basic digit recognition application written in Python using Sci-kit Learn, Pickle, and Kivy.

SNHU VuforiaUnity AR VideoPlayer (C#)

  • A project me and another student did for SNHU during the summer of 2018. The purpose of the project was to use Unity and Vuforia to create an application that would scan image target and play videos pertaining to those targets. It's an AR Prototype for SNHU done as a paid student summer research project.

FinanceManager (JavaScript)

  • Project for CS303L. A basic Finance Manager written using the .NET MVC architecture. It uses an Azure Cloud Database as well as Tableau to display user data.

Schedule Text To Excel Creator (C#)

  • Take's a SNHU student's schedule data and creates a clean, formatted, and concise Excel sheet. A simple project I started during winter break. My intention was to make an application that'll allow me to more easily create an Excel sheet that represents my schedule.

SimpleTimeCruncher (C#)

  • I wanted to streamline the process of counting my hours. Making it easier to type in the hours and minutes of each day and come up with a sum.

Last Automatically Updated: 9/22/2021